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Ashley Rose Slotkin, Academic Advisor

Ashley Rose Slotkin
Major Advising Mechanical Engineering
Office Engineering II, Room 200D
Email ashleyrose.slotkin@uconn.edu

About Ashley Rose

Ashley Rose completed both her B.A. in Kinesiology and M.A. in Higher Education Administration from the University of Michigan. Most recently, Ashley Rose was working as an advisor in the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan while completing her master’s degree. Prior to that, she held an internship in the University of Michigan’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Prior to her master’s studies, Ashley Rose worked as the Academic Affairs Coordinator at Miss Porter’s School in Farmington, Connecticut. In that role, she managed grading, transcripts, course scheduling and registration, and the Advanced Placement program.

In her free time, Ashley Rose enjoys watching football and baking desserts.

In her current role as Academic Advisor for the Mechanical Engineering Department, she advises students at new student orientation, through course registration and planning programs of study, and helps students with managing academic difficulties and other questions that arise.

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