Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to find out about important upcoming dates on the academic calendar.
Check your academic advisor's page on this website. Use their indicated on-line link to book your appointment.
Email your assigned faculty advisor to request an appointment.
To declare a minor, please visit this page.
A double major can be declared through the College of Engineering's Program Plan Change Application, found here. Adding a second major is only available to current College of Engineering students.
To change from your current UCONN school or college to an engineering major, or to change your current engineering major to a different engineering major, you must apply using this this on-line application: All engineering admission decisions are based on GPA and grades in engineering-related coursework. You will be evaluated against all of the other students who applied to the same major. Admission into any CoE program is very competitive.Unfortunately, if your application is denied, we are not able to offer specific feedback on individual applications.
Thinking of taking a class at a Connecticut college or university to fulfill a university or College of Engineering course requirement? BEFORE you do so – please use the helpful link below to determine how the class will transfer to your UCONN transcript. For out of state coursework it is prudent to either consult a member of the Registrar’s staff, or submit a prior course approval on Student Admin, to find out how the class you are thinking of taking will transfer.
 Many of the forms you may need – such as: Additional Degree Petition, Transcript Request, Excess Credit Request, Independent Study, Pass Fail, Schedule Revision (“Add Drop”), etc are available here.
As you will notice when trying to choose classes on StudentAdmin, some upper level or major specific course work is limited to pre-defined groups by requiring you to have a permission number to enroll. To secure a permission number you will need to contact the instructor of record. In your email or phone communication, give your full name, PeopleSoft ID number, major, expected graduation date and the reason you feel you should be allowed to take the course you are trying to enroll in. You will also need to make the request for a specific semester, course, and section.   If the instructor is listed as "TBD" (to be determined) contact the appropriate departmental office to make your request.
The table found at this link shows how AP exam credit will appear on your UConn transcript. Scores do not translate into grades, so these scores do not have any impact on your grade point average. It is the student’s responsibility to make an official request to the College Board for AP records to be sent to UCONN. NOTE: If an AP class at your high school was cross-listed as an ECE (early college experience) class, the grade you received in your ECE class would count in the calculation of your GPA if you were to accept credit for it. Please consider this carefully when you decide if you want credit for an ECE class because once made, these decisions are irreversible. Please refer to the College Board website for information on score reporting services.
Ordinarily, an incomplete, absent, or no show will become an F, three weeks into the next registered semester. I Grade: The instructor reports an I if the completed work is passing and the instructor decides that, due to unusual circumstances, the student cannot complete the course assignments. If the student completes the work by the end of the third week of the next, registered semester, the instructor will send the Registrar a grade for the course. Otherwise, the Registrar will convert the I to IF. Effective with spring 2004 classes, upon successful completion of a course, the I on the academic record is placed by the permanent letter grade. If the instructor does not submit a grade the Registrar will change the grade to IF or IU. N Grade An N grade is recorded when no grade is reported for a student who has been registered in a course section. It usually indicates a registration problem. To resolve this problem you must see the instructor who may submit a letter stating that you never attended the class. The Dean of the school in which you are enrolled must approve a late drop. N grades are replaced on the academic record by the actual grade when submitted by the instructor. An N mark which remains unresolved will become “NF” and be computed as an “F” at the end of the third week of the next semester of registration. X Grade: The instructor reports an X only when a student missed the final examination and when passing it with a high mark could have given the student a passing grade for the course. If the student would have failed the course regardless of the grade on the final examination, the student will receive an F. If the instructor reports an X and the Department of Student Affairs excuses the absence, the instructor will give the student another opportunity to take the examination. The absence must be due to sickness or other unavoidable causes. The instructor must give the examination before the end of the third week of the next, registered semester. If by the end of the third week of the next, registered semester the instructor does not send a grade to the Registrar, the Registrar will change the X to X F or X U.
For specifications on computer hardware and software see here.
If you plan to study abroad with the intent of completing requirements specific to your degree program, please understand that this requires a great deal of prior planning and pre-approvals of the courses you will satisfy degree requirements. It is recommended that you focus on completing some general education requirements (if possible) during your time studying abroad, or simply focus on the enriching experience of studying outside of the USA. Also, it is not unusual for a semester spent studying abroad to result in a delay in your graduation. Please weigh all of these factors carefully before you make this choice. Since studying abroad can be challenging for engineering students, we have developed an international engineering program. These programs provide a year abroad experience in your fourth year and include a required internship abroad. These program required an additional degree and take five years to complete. Please access our international engineering program here. For even more information, please meet with your academic or faculty advisor, or visit the Education Abroad page here.
This is handled directly by the Registrar. Go to Wilbur Cross and ask their staff to assist you.
A course can be repeated for a second time without permission. To repeat a course for a third and final time requires the instructor and Dean or Dean’s designee’s permission. For the CoE that would be Associate Dean Dan Burkey, Director of Advising Whitney Losapio, or Associate Director of Advising Mariel Zoni. If you are repeating a course for the third and final time, please use the Repeat Course Third Time form, available here. IMPORTANT TO KNOW Any student who is regularly registered* for courses and who satisfies the requirements shall receive credit except that no student shall receive credit for the same course twice, unless it is specifically so stated as in a variable content course. Courses with the same number that cover the same course content cannot be counted more than once for credit. The parenthetical phrases (Formerly offered as…) and (Also offered as…) that follow a course title as a cross reference indicate that a student may not take both the course and the cross-referenced course. Note: *A student is regularly registered for a course only if he or she has conformed to all university or college regulations or requirements applying to registration for the course. A student may repeat a course previously taken one time without seeking permission in order to earn a higher grade. The student may take the course a third time with the permission of the dean of the school or college in which the student is enrolled and the instructor of the course. Under no circumstances may a student take a course more than three times. When a student repeats a course, credit shall be allowed only once. Furthermore, in the computation of the grade point average, the registered credit and grade points for the most recent taking of the course shall be included in the GPA calculation and the registered credit and grade for the prior taking of the course shall remain on the transcript, but shall be removed from the GPA calculation. Please understand that if a student repeats a course that was previously passed there can be negative consequences. For example, if a student fails a class previously passed, the student would lose credit for the first, passed, attempt and not earn credit for the second, failed, attempt. Repeating a previously passed course may also have an effect on financial aid. Students considering repeating previously passed courses should consult their advisors and Student Financial Aid Services staff. When a student repeats a course after receiving a degree, the student’s transcript will indicate a grade, but no registered credit, for the repeated course. The grade and registered credit recorded for the course prior to receipt of the degree shall continue to be included in the GPA and credit calculations. A student must have department head permission to repeat a course that is listed as a prerequisite or co-requisite for any course that the student has passed. For example, a student who received a D in Chemistry 1127Q and subsequently passed Chemistry 1128Q may not retake Chemistry 1127Q without permission.
The Final Exam Schedule for the Storrs campus is available on the Office of the Registrar website. To view final exams for Storrs courses, after logging into StudentAdmin, please navigate to Exam Schedule by clicking: Main Menu / then Self Service / then Student Center. Under Academics, from the Other Academic drop-down menu, select Final Exam Schedule to view your finals schedule. Questions? Please contact the Office of the Registrar at 486-3331 or email
Students with an immediate illness must be seen by Student Health Services (SHS) and granted permission by SHS to reschedule a final examination. They do not need additional permission from the Dean of Students Office. A student whose absence from a final examination is not excused by the Dean of Students Office, Student Health Services, or the iCenter shall receive no credit for the examination.
Students who have “bunched finals” should go to the iCenter at the entrance to Wilbur Cross between October 1st and November 16th. Students with bunched finals, who do not request permission by November 16th will not be granted permission to reschedule their exams. Please note: for students with three exams in one day, the exam that will be rescheduled is the middle exam. Bunched finals include the following: 2 finals scheduled at the same time, 3 finals in one calendar day, 3 finals in consecutive time blocks spanning parts of two consecutive days, or 4 finals in two consecutive days. Effective October 1, 2018, students may receive permission to reschedule if they have finals which are “bunched” or if a student has an “extenuating circumstance”. If approval is granted, it is expected that students will inform instructors of their conflict(s) prior to the final. To access the finals schedule go to the Office of the Registrar. On October 1, 2018, students registered in courses at the Storrs campus will be able to see their final exam schedule in the Student Admin. To view final exams for Storrs courses, after logging in, please navigate to Exam Schedule by clicking Main Menu, Self Service, and then Student Center. Under Academics, from the other academic… drop-down menu, select Final Exam Schedule to view your finals schedule. Should you have questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 486-3331 or email
Graduating seniors are eligible for cum laude designations on diplomas and transcripts if their complete academic records show at least 54 calculable credits at the University and meet the following criteria; cum laude: at least a 3.0 total GPA (grade point average) and a class rank in the 75th percentile or above in the student’s school or college; magna cum laude: at least a 3.4 total GPA (grade point average) and a class rank in the 85th percentile or above in the student’s school or college, summa cum laude: at least a 3.7 total GPA (grade point average) and a class rank in the 95th percentile or above in the student’s school or college. Please visit this page for detailed information based on the specific academic year in which you would be graduating.
Apply to graduate by the fourth week of your final semester for each degree you are completing (or the spring semester for summer graduates). Do NOT wait until you have an approved Plan of Study (POS) to apply to graduate. Applying to graduate is separate from the POS approval process. It is the mechanism that tells the University to include you in the UConn Commencement booklet, allows you to pick up Commencement tickets, and puts you on email lists for important Commencement announcements. If you miss the deadline to APPLY to graduate, your name will NOT appear in the official UConn program. Follow the instructions found here to apply for graduation.
The University deadline to withdraw from a course is by the ninth week of classes. Any course dropped after the first ten days of classes will receive a ‘W’ on the transcript. The specific date for the current semester is posted on the University calendar, here: Per the University Undergraduate Catalog, no student is permitted to drop a course after the ninth week of classes unless on the recommendation of the advisor, an exception is made by the dean or designee of the school or college in which the student is enrolled. Exceptions are made only for extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control that prevented the student from withdrawing from the course by the deadline. Poor academic performance is not considered a sufficient reason for dropping a course after the ninth week. Students seeking to withdraw from a course after the University deadline must pick up a petition form from the Engineering Undergraduate Programs Office located in Engineering II, room 304. The last day that completed petition forms will be accepted for review is by close of business on the last day of classes for the current semester, per University policy. More information about the University deadlines for adding and dropping courses can be found here:

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