UConn Interlibrary Services

Interlibrary Services is a cooperative effort that allows UConn students, faculty, and staff to borrow and obtain materials (such as books, DVDs, CDs, papers, reports, microfilm, and book chapters) from UConn’s collection and other libraries and institutions when not available in UConn’s collection. We can acquire these materials for you quickly, as well.  In many cases, we can have needed papers delivered to you as PDFs within a few hours. Many books and other “returnable” materials are delivered in only a few days. We have many partner institutions committed to providing us with quick turnaround times for materials borrowed and obtained.

ILLiad is the system, or program, we use that allows you to place requests for these materials. It also serves as a portal where you can manage and track these requests. All you have to do is first create your profile by logging in with your NetID and NetID password and supplying some basic information (your email address, your department, etc.) here:   https://uconn.illiad.oclc.org/illiad/logon.html

There is no charge to use this service and we would love to assist you!

Find out more about Interlibrary Services here: http://lib.uconn.edu/services/interlibrary-services/faq/#whatis

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