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Althea Lozefski, Academic Advisor


Althea Lozefski
Academic Advisor

Major Advising Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering
Office Engineering II, Room 326
Email althea.lozefski@uconn.edu

About Althea

Althea started here at UConn in the College of Engineering in the Spring of 2008 as the Program Assistant for the Environmental Engineering Program. In this position she had a variety of undergraduate and graduate program duties including, 1st point of contact for all students and parents, accreditation preparation, Graduate Student Application processor, maintaining the Program Budget along with faculty grants & budgets, travel, reception and seminar planning and implementation, along with many more duties. In the Spring of 2016 she transitioned over to become an Academic Advisor for Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Engineering Physics. Althea earned her BS in Business Management from Franklin Pierce University and is planning to continue her education in higher education in the near future by taking courses through the University of Connecticut to receive her Master’s Degree.

As an Academic Advisor, she advises students in planning an academic program, new student orientation, course registration, crafting planned programs of study, advises students on Academic Probation, changing majors, and assists students with other academic related matters.

This fall Althea will be teaching a First Year Experience course for the Engineering Learning Community.

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