for May 2024 & August 2024 Candidates for Graduation ("seniors") and December 2023 grads ONLY
December 2024 candidates can NOT participate in the May 2024 ceremony!
LOCATION: University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus, Harry A. Gampel Pavilion, 2095 Hillside Rd, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269
DATE/TIME: Saturday, May 4th, 2024. Gampel will open at 8AM. Ceremony will run from 9AM-11AM.
Candidates for graduation will be admitted to the Field House at 7:30am but should arrive no later than 7:45am
to fill out a photo card and be lined up for the procession into Gampel.
Graduating seniors are referred to as “candidates for graduation” or just “candidates.”
Candidates do NOT need a ticket to attend graduation. Tickets for their guests (MAXIMUM of 8) are distributed to students at the UCONN Bookstore only starting April 1st. Ticket Desk hours will be 9:00am-4:30pm in the week before commencement.
All guests aged 4 years (and older) require a guest ticket for entry to the ceremony. Tickets are bar-coded to guard against copies being made for sale or other unauthorized use. If students need extra tickets, they need to fill out the google form that has been provided in multiple emails. All responses must be made through a @uconn.edu email account for verification. Being placed on the waiting list is not a guarantee of extra tickets but we do our best to meet reasonable requests. Extra tickets will not be issued until a week before Commencement. We will notify the requesting student when the tickets are available for pick-up. We will notify you via email when and where to pick up your extra tickets. Graduation Guest tickets cannot be picked up by anyone other than the student.
To participate in the ceremony students MUST purchase regalia (cap & gown), here is how to do that:
The online ordering portal for regalia is now open. You have several options:
The Storrs bookstore will be open Monday -Thursday 8am-8pm, Friday 8am-6pm, and 8am-6pm on the weekend of commencement.
ORDERING Portal: https://uconngrad.shopoakhalli.com/purchasewizard/Welcome
UConn will be hosting live-streams of all Commencement ceremonies. For those unable to obtain a guest ticket or make the trip to Storrs, the School of Engineering ceremony will be live-streamed on the internet. The link to the stream will be posted on the University Commencement webpage (http://www.commencement.uconn.edu). Shortly after the live-stream is completed, a video recording will be available for on-demand watching via the same webpage.
Professional photographers will take photographs of candidates in front of the College of Engineering banner and as they are presented with their diploma covers. All students are asked to fill out the address card that will be provided to them in the Field House. Color proofs will be mailed to the address they provide on the card. Tripods are NOT allowed in Gampel Pavilion. Members of the audience using hand-held cameras may take pictures during the ceremony from the concourse level of Gampel Pavilion. To accommodate everyone, individuals are requested to use these areas for only a short time and then return to their seats.
Large bags, cameras with removable lenses, food, beverages (including water bottles) are among the items NOT allowed at Gampel. Strollers are not permitted in any seating areas or on the concourse and stroller storage is very limited; all patrons are encouraged to leave them safely stored inside their vehicles.
Alcohol cannot be brought to the Field House or Gampel and will be confiscated by our security personnel before entry.
Traffic into the Storrs area is extraordinarily heavy on Commencement Day; please allow plenty of extra time. Parking will be available at no cost in the North and South Parking Garages on Commencement Day.
While guests are waiting for the ceremony to begin, we will run a slideshow of the graduating class in Gampel on the Jumbo TVs. Candidates have been notified by email of how, where, and when to submit the slide. The deadline for submission is set by Gampel personnel. To be included, it must be uploaded to our google form by April 7th. Students missing the deadline will NOT have a slide included in the slideshow. To prevent others from submitting a slide the student has not approved, the slides must be submitted by the student, from their UConn email account. However, if you want to make a slide for your busy senior – email it to them and they can submit it to us IF THEY WISH TO DO SO. The slide must meet ALL of these conditions to be included:
Most students use a portrait-oriented picture and put a banner with the information we require to “fill in” the slide and make it LANDSCAPE orientation. Students should remove “red-eye” if they can, since this looks very bad on the Gampel jumbo TVs. They should not s t r e t c h their picture – this produces odd looking results.
For slide ideas, your student can view prior year grad slides on this website here: Commencement 2022 Videos
The closest available area for handicapped parking is on the ground level of the South Parking Garage, which is adjacent to Gampel. Handicapped parking spaces are only available for vehicles displaying a permit issued by a state Motor Vehicles Department. These spaces are limited and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. We suggest that you consider dropping off guests needing special assistance with one other family member in front of Gampel. Gampel personnel will be happy to assist you and your guests. To allow sufficient space for all guests who use wheelchairs, we ask that only one family member or friend plan on sitting in the area set aside for people needing this accommodation. You do NOT need to reserve this accommodation; we are happy to assist all people needing this assistance. The university does not have wheelchairs to loan available on campus. If an individual is in need of a wheelchair, they must provide one themselves. However, Gampel is wheelchair/handicapped accessible. For hearing impaired guests, the University provides a sign language interpreter for all ceremonies. Please let staff members know if you need this service when you arrive at Gampel.
If you are an individual with a disability or have a guest that will need a special accommodation that was not addressed in this publication, please make your request in writing no later than April 20th by sending an email to: engr-ugcommencement@uconn.edu
Students enter from NORTH Corridor |
Students enter from EAST Corridor |
Biomedical Engineering |
Computer Engineering |
Chemical Engineering |
Electrical Engineering |
Computer Science |
Civil Engineering |
Computer Science & Engineering |
Environmental Engineering |
Engineering Physics |
Materials Science & Engineering |
Multidisciplinary Engineering |
Management & Engineering for Manufacturing |
Mechanical Engineering |
SEATING Sections A119, 120, 121 |
SEATING Sections C111, 110, 109 |
Engineering II Building
Undergraduate Programs Office: Room 304
Experiential Education Office: Room 302
191 Auditorium Road, Unit 3187
Storrs, CT 06269
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