Kevin McLaughlin, Director of Vergnano Institute for Inclusion

Kevin McLaughlin '83 (ENG) on Aug. 7, 2014. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)Office: Engineering II, room 320A
Phone: 860-486-9306

About Kevin: After graduating from UConn in 1983 with degrees in Materials Science & Engineering, and Chemical Engineering, Kevin spent 10 years in industry, taking on a variety of leadership and managerial roles along the way.  Though he enjoyed and valued his time as a Chemical Engineer, anyone who meets him can tell that his real passion in life is teaching.  After becoming certified in 1993, Kevin began his career as one of the most trusted and revered teachers at E. O. Smith High School, and pushed his students to challenge themselves creatively and intellectually in the studies of chemistry and physics.

In 2002, Kevin rejoined the University as the Director of Diversity Programs.  His dedication, enthusiasm, and passion have allowed the department to grow into what was the Engineering Diversity and Outreach Center, and is now the Vergnano Institute for Inclusion, home to five diversity and professional organizations, prestigious enrichment programs that stem from middle school to higher learning to higher educators, and an ever growing number of outreach activities/events.  Kevin has played a key role in the lives of many hundreds of UConn students and alumni.  He is not only his students’ mentor and advisor, but he is also their close friend.

Kevin and the College of Engineering Diversity and Outreach Center (EDOC) run programs like BRIDGE, Explore Engineering (E2), PEP, MYO, EYF, daVinci, etc.  They also host the Northeast Regional Science Bowl, and assist with the Connecticut Invention Convention every year and sponsor a KASET Engineering Module during the summer.

For more information on all things EDOC, come visit us in EII room 320.



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