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COVID-19 Information and Resources for Students

LAST UPDATED: August 16, 2023

Most recent information regarding COVID-19 and university guidelines can be found on the Student Health and Wellness website (general information, quarantine guidelines).


LAST UPDATED: October 20, 2022

Resources for Students w/ Internet Access Concerns

The Fall 2022 semester has kicked off successfully with students back to full capacity on campus. 

The University shared a Keep Learning link when we first went to remote learning, which has useful information as well about accessing resources. https://onlinestudent.uconn.edu/keeplearning/

ITS will loan students who need a device for online courses an iPad for an entire semester. Students may also borrow a laptop for one to two weeks while their current device is repaired or replaced. To initiate a loan, students should submit a general support request at techsupport.uconn.edu.

For more information, contact: Kimberly Duby at Kimberly.duby@uconn.edu


LAST UPDATED: January 11, 2021

Resources for Students w/ Internet Access Concerns

The Success 360 Committee would like to share resources with you as we gear up for the spring 2021 semester.  With many classes still online, it’s important we ensure our students are accessing and engaging in their course materials.  

Below is a link of statewide resources to review and share with your advisees if they have concerns with accessing the internet.


The University shared a Keep Learning link when we first went to remote learning, which has useful information as well about accessing resources. https://onlinestudent.uconn.edu/keeplearning/

Additionally ITS will loan students who need a device for online courses an iPad for an entire semester. Students may also borrow a laptop for one to two weeks while their current device is repaired or replaced. To initiate a loan, students should submit a general support request at techsupport.uconn.edu.

For more information, contact: Kimberly Duby at Kimberly.duby@uconn.edu


Update as of November 18, 2020

  • Academic Calendar: As communicated in the reopening plan, classes will begin as normal on Monday August 31. Any in-person instruction will end on the Friday before Thanksgiving Recess (November 20), and the last week of classes will be online (November 30-December 4). The final day of the semester will be Monday December 7, followed by several reading days and final exams (online).
  •  Classes: In June, the university surveyed all of the classroom and laboratory spaces on campus to assess new capacity limits based on physical distancing guidelines. As you might imagine, keeping 6+ feet of space between students in classroom and lab spaces means that, in general, classes must meet in larger spaces. Given that there are only a limited number of classrooms on campus, what you’ll see when you look at your schedule is that your classes are a.) probably meeting in new locations, some of which weren’t previously used as classrooms, and b.) Some fraction of your classes have probably moved online, either synchronously or asynchronously. There may be some additional small changes, but the schedule is now largely fixed. Some guidance for what the different designations mean:
    1. WWW or Online: These classes are fully online and meet asynchronously (i.e. not at a specific time) – classes in this mode will not a have a room or time associated with them.
    2. Distance Learning: These classes are fully online but meet synchronously (i.e. at a specific time) – classes in this mode will have a time associated with them, but not a room.
    3. Split: These classes are in-person but at a reduced capacity – you’ll only attend class in-person during certain meetings, determined by the instructor, in order to keep room occupancies under the required capacity limits. Other times, you will be online, synchronously or asynchronously. Classes in this mode will have both a room and a time associated with them.
    4. HB or Hybrid/Blended: These classes are a mix of in-person and online, depending upon the needs of the class. Some meetings may be in person, while others may be online, as determined by the instructor. Classes in this mode will have both a room and a time associated with them.
    5. In Person: These classes will be fully in-person, as you are probably most used to. They will have both a room and time associated with them.
  • We understand that some of you may be disappointed that some classes are in a mode you are not expecting, but we are balancing the desire to offer classes in person with the space constraints necessitated by physical distancing and the health concerns of faculty, staff, and students. It is important to note that we will do our best to accommodate students who do not feel comfortable returning to campus. That is, if you choose not to return to campus but have an in-person engineering class, we will do our best to allow you to participate remotely. This may not be practical or feasible in every case (i.e. some lab classes), so working with the class instructor and possibly your faculty or academic advisor will be important. We want to support you as much as possible in meeting your educational goals, even though the situation is complex and changing. We’ll be encouraging faculty to reach out to students earlier than usual to help convey information about how things may have changed.
  • Labs: We know labs and senior design are integral parts of your experience, and in SOE, we’ve asked departments to be creative with lab spaces to still afford you the opportunity to do hands-on work. Since labs often require students to work in close proximity and with shared equipment, we’re developing guidelines and cleaning procedures to manage the risk in those situations. Departments are also looking at combinations of virtual labs, simulations, rotational schedules, and additional sections to meet both the educational goals and the physical distancing guidelines. We’ll be relying on you as students to help support the faculty, staff, and teaching assistants in keeping laboratories safe and functioning by following the guidelines we lay out. More information on how specific laboratories will work will be coming from your individual departments and instructors in the coming weeks
  • Student Clubs and Organizations: We also recognize the importance of your clubs and other extracurricular activities as part of the college experience. We’ll be expecting SOE clubs and organizations to adhere to current gathering limits, obey physical distancing requirements, and in cases where you want to gather to work on projects, to complete an operational plan that will be reviewed and approved by the school. More details will be provided to club and organization leadership closer to the start of the semester.

The fall semester now consists of:

  • Classes: Monday, August 31 – Saturday, November 21, 2020 & Monday, November 30 – Monday, December 7, 2020
  • Labor Day Holiday (no classes): Monday, September 7, 2020
  • Thanksgiving Recess: Sunday, November 22 – Sunday, November 29, 2020
  • Reading Days (no classes or exams/ assessments): Tuesday, December 8 – Sunday, December 13, 2020 and Thursday, December 17, 2020
  • Final Exams/Assessments: Monday, December 14 – Wednesday, December 16, 2020 and Friday, December 18 – Sunday, December 20, 2020

Engineering students must complete the late withdrawal request form. The form requires an instructor and advisor signature. Supplemental documentation will not be required for the fall 2020 semester. The completed form must be emailed to the College of Engineering UG Programs Office (engr-ugprograms@uconn.edu) by close of business on the last day of classes, per University policy.

Contact engr-ugdean@uconn.edu with questions.

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