Monica Bullock


Office: Engineering II, Room 302C
Phone Number: (860)486-2523

Student Meetings: By appointment only on NEXUS


Educational Program Administrator | Undergraduate Programs

Assistant Director | Engineering House LC

2022-2023 FYE Instructor of the Year


About Me: Monica earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a minor in Psychology, from Frostburg State University. In college she was a Resident Assistant and Membership Chairman for her chapter of Alpha Xi Delta National Women's Fraternity. 

Following graduation, she worked as a professional career recruiter in the Washington DC market. She went on to work in the insurance industry progressing through various positions: Regional Office Supervisor at Banner Life, Regional Manager at FHP Healthcare - Arizona, and finally as Director of Customer Service for Foundation Federal Health Services.

After taking a career break to raise her two children, Monica reentered the workforce as a Print Advertising Designer. Concurrent with this she started a consulting business providing speech writing for audiences of all sizes, technical writing of web content, print advertising and branding materials. She also worked as a public school substitute teacher, and served for two years as a Service Unit Manager for Girl Scouts of Connecticut.

In May 2012, Monica started working at UConn - Storrs as the interim Academic Advisor for the Department of Psychology with a starting caseload of over 600 students. In November 2012, she started as the Program Coordinator for the UConn College of Engineering Undergraduate Program. In this role, she coordinates events such as: SoE Career Fairs, Senior Design Demo Day, Commencement, the Law School for Engineers event and others. She assists program faculty, staff and students; responds to inquiries from students, parents, faculty and others regarding program policies, procedures and requirements, making referrals as appropriate.  In support of students, Monica strives to find answers for any student who needs assistance and thereby has become a “go to” resource to help undergrads in their journey to be successful college students. In 2023, she was promoted to the Educational Program Administrator - Experiential Education.

Monica is also the Assistant Director of the Engineering House Learning Community (EHLC) and a UNIV-1810 instructor, a course for first-year students in the EHLC. At the end of the 2022-2023 academic year, she was selected from a pool of all UConn FYE instructors to be recognized as the FYE Instructor of the Year. 

Monica served as the faculty advisor for the Acts of Kindness Initiative club until 2021. Prior to this, from May 2014 to May of 2017, she was the Staff Advisor for the MEM Society. 

Monica loves traveling and anything 'art."  She has a husband and two children (both are UConn grads).  

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