Biomedical Engineering (BME)
About this major: Biomedical engineers analyze and design solutions to problems in biology and medicine, with the goal of improving the quality and effectiveness of patient care. Some career paths: Biomedical engineers work at universities, hospitals, research facilities of companies and educational and medical institutions, and government regulatory agencies.
Chemical Engineering (CHEG)
About this major: The Chemical Engineering Program provides students with a thorough grounding in fundamental chemical engineering principles while offering opportunities and resources to specialize in a wide variety of focus areas including but not limited to nanotechnology, biomolecular engineering, green energy, water research and polymer engineering.
Some career paths: Chemical engineers work in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, design and construction, pulp and paper, petrochemicals, food processing, specialty chemicals, polymers, biotechnology, and environmental health and safety industries, among others. Within these industries, chemical engineers rely on their knowledge of mathematics and science, particularly chemistry, to overcome technical problems safely and economically.
Civil Engineering (CE)
About this major: Civil Engineers design and construct the infrastructure needed by our society to insure a high quality of life. This includes the water that we drink, the buildings in which we live and work, and the highways on which we travel. This major provides a broad based education covering Construction Management; Water Resources; and Environmental, Structural, and Transportation Engineering.
Some career paths: Civil Engineers can work in large engineering firms, government agencies, or small and midsize firms nationwide. They are needed to repair existing roads and other public structures, as well as design and create new structures. An increasing emphasis on “green” building is expected to increase the need for Civil Engineers with experience in pollution control systems.
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
About this major: Computer Science and Engineering majors are competent in both software and hardware topics pertinent to computing systems. They have a foundation and specialized knowledge necessary to analyze, design and evaluate system software, utility programs and software-hardware architectures. They design hardware and software solutions for a wide variety of application domains.
Some career paths: Sample careers may include; Computer Networking Systems Analyst, Security Architect, Computer Engineer and more. Programmers work in a variety of environments and disciplines.
Computer Engineering (CompE)
About this major: Computer Engineers primarily design the computer hardware, associated core software structures and their interfaces. Focus areas include real-time computing systems, communication and computing networks, and VLSI design/fabrication. CompE majors get a strong grounding in both computer science and electrical engineering.
Some career paths: Sample careers may include; Computer Hardware Engineer, Computer Network Architect, Computer Systems Analyst, Computer Controlled Machines Operator and more.
Electrical Engineering (EE)
About this major: Electrical Engineers focus on the study and application of electricity, electronics, and photonics. Electrical Engineers can contribute to multiple engineering disciplines.
Some career paths: Application areas of electrical engineering include: Renewable energy, biomedical instrumentation, nanotechnology, systems, robotics, and telecommunications.
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
About this major: Environmental engineers use the principles of engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry to develop solutions to environmental problems. They are involved in efforts to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, water resources management and air pollution control.
Some career paths: Environmental Engineers may work in a variety of settings such as civil and environmental
consulting firms, environmental departments of large corporations, government agencies, NGOs or R&D institutions. They may work in the office or out in the field.
Engineering Physics (EngPhys) – (jointly offered with the Physics Department, CLAS)
About this major: Engineering Physics majors can concentrate in Electrical, Materials Science, or Mechanical Engineering.
Some career paths: Engineering Physics majors can contribute to current and future scientific and technological developments in the areas of physics and electrical, mechanical and materials science engineering. They can find engineering and physics careers in industry, government, academia and other professional practices.
Materials Science & Engineering (MSE)
About this major: Materials scientists and engineers develop new materials and materials processes, or improve existing materials. The range of materials spans metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites. Materials scientists and engineers work on products across all length scales, from airplanes, submarines, vehicles to microprocessor chips and nano-devices. MSE’s core is to determine relations between the processing of materials, their atomic level structure, and the resulting properties of materials.
Some career paths: Materials scientists and engineers pursue career paths in all fields that require a specialist’s knowledge in the processing of materials. Materials scientists focus on materials research topics in industry, government agencies, or national laboratories. Materials engineers can also work in industry directly with customers to support applications and products with their specialized knowledge.
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
About this major: Mechanical engineers use skills in mathematics and science to develop, design, and manufacture tools, engines, machines, and many other mechanical devices that improve our standard of living. Mechanical Engineers design things we use every day and lead innovation in state of the art technologies like nanotechnology.
Some career paths: Mechanical engineering is one of the most diverse disciplines within the engineering profession; mechanical engineers collaborate with doctors to design better medical equipment, research and build renewable energy technologies, and create robots that replicate human movement.
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees
Computer Science (CS)
About this major: Computer Science majors have a broad understanding of both computing principles and computing practice. Computer Science majors have fundamental knowledge of computing models through the design and analysis of algorithms and software.
Some career paths: Sample careers may include; Software Developer, IT Technician, Application Developer, Web Designer, Computer Programmer, Computer Game Designer, Internet Consultant, Product Support Analyst and more. Programmers work in a variety of environments and disciplines.
Management & Engineering for Manufacturing (MEM) – (jointly offered with the School of Business)
About this major: MEM graduates have immense flexibility to work as practicing engineers or to focus on a business career. Companies find MEM graduates to be well-rounded employees who see the “big picture.” MEM graduates have been very successful in getting coveted “Leadership Development Program” positions at major companies that introduce them to multiple sides of the business and prepare them for a “fast track” to promotion.
Some career paths: UConn MEM graduates have careers as design engineers, new product engineers, manufacturing engineers, industrial engineers, project/program managers, supply chain managers, process engineers, quality control engineers, logistics & operations managers.
Undecided Engineering – If you are unsure of what engineering discipline you want to go into, UCONN does allow students to apply as undecided engineering!
Come to our Open House on Sunday October 20, 2019! Sign up for Open House here:
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