Engineering Physics General Information
One of the degree programs offered by the School of Engineering is in Engineering Physics.
The B.S.E. program in Engineering Physics is offered jointly by the School of Engineering and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics. The goal of the interdisciplinary Engineering Physics program is to offer engineering students a more in-depth exploration of physical principles paired with a solid background in quantitative skills and mastery in an engineering discipline. Engineering Physics students have the option of 3 different concentrations: Electrical, Mechanical and Materials Science. Student can pursue this degree program from the School of Engineering or the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. If you pursue the degree from the School of Engineering, you will receive a Bachelor of Science of Engineering in Engineering Physics. If you pursue the degree from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, you will receive a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics and will be required to complete the general education requirements for CLAS.
Engineering Physics students usually declare the concentration in EE, ME or MSE in the second semester of the freshmen year since the three concentrations start to diverge in the first semester of sophomore year. In the first year, students will have a professional academic advisor to help guide the declaration of the concentration in Engineering Physics. The School of Engineering has specific faculty advisors for each concentrations once they are declared in EE, ME or MSE.
Engineering Physics majors can go on to graduate school in either Physics or Engineering. Some will go into industry in research driven organizations and some will gain employment in a traditional engineering field based on their concentration.