
To receive a minor in Analytics, a student must earn a C+ or better in each of four (4) 3 credit, 3000-4000 level (i) OPIM courses offered by the School of Business or (ii) CSE courses offered by the College of Engineering.

Students must complete the following core courses:

  1. OPIM 3221 or CSE 4701;
  2. OPIM 3802, or CSE 4502 or 5820
  3. OPIM 3803, or CSE 5095 as “Discrete Optimization”

In addition, students must complete one of the following courses: OPIM 3801OPIM 4895 as “Data Visualization” or “Gamification”; CSE 5095 as “Computational Issues in Social Networks”; or any of the core courses listed above if not already counted toward a core requirement.

Nine credits in the Analytics minor must be unique to the minor and cannot be used to fulfill the requirements of any other major or minor. Management Information Systems majors may only count OPIM 3221 toward the MIS major as well as the Analytics minor.

This minor is not open to Business Data Analytics majors. Students not enrolled in the School of Business or the College of Engineering must obtain permission to take courses for the minor. Students not majoring in Computer Science and Engineering must take OPIM 3221 in residence on the Storrs campus. Students who are not majors in the School of Business are restricted to no more than 24 credits of coursework offered by the School of Business.

The minor is offered by the School of Business and College of Engineering. For more information, contact the Office of Undergraduate Advising, School of Business, room 248, or phone (860) 486-2315, or the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology Engineering Building, Room 250, or phone (860) 486-3719

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