This minor is jointly offered by the School of Business and the School of Engineering to expose students to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and technology innovation, with a focus on the product design process, business principals required for viable startups, and physical prototyping.
To receive a minor in Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation, a student must complete four 3000/4000 level course including the required courses. Engineering students who elect to use their first semester of senior design to satisfy these requirements will only be required to complete 11 total credits if that course is a two-credit course. All other students would take 4 three-credit courses.
ENGR/MGMT 3500 and 3501 (six credits)
Five-six credits selected from the following courses: ACCT 4204, 4261; BADM/BLAW 3678, 3681; BADM/MGMT 3234, 3235; BADM/MKTG 3625, 3753; BME 4900, BME 6086/BADM 5894/MGMT 5895; CE 4900W, 4901W; CHEG 4140; CSE 4939W, 4950; ECE 4901; ENGR 3195 when offered as “Innovation Zone Projects”; ENVE 4910W; FNCE 4319, 4430; ME 4972; MEM 4225, 4971W; MGMT 3236, 3892, 4271, 4895 when offered as “Managing Creativity and Innovation”; MKTG 3362; MSE 4901W; OPIM 3220, 3507.
Engineering students may use the first semester of the senior design course as approved on their major plan of study, and may only do so with a project approved by the director of the Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Minor or the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education.
Group 1 and 2 classes may not be simultaneously used towards another minor, and only one class used to satisfy this minor may be simultaneously used towards the student’s major requirements. Credits from internships cannot be used to satisfy requirements for the minor. Substitutions of Engineering classes are allowed but must be approved by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education. Substitutions of Business classes are allowed but must be approved by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs.
Students may only earn one minor offered by the School of Business. Non-business students are restricted to no more than 24 credits of coursework offered by the School of Business. Access to courses for this minor is on a space-available basis, and the School of Business and the School of Engineering cannot guarantee completion of this minor.
For more information, contact the Peter J. Werth Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation by phone at 860-486-4299 or by email at