
Bioinformatics is a new field of science that results from the application of information sciences to biology. Its goals are to facilitate data storage and retrieval, and the extraction of useful information from biological data.

Students wishing a minor in Bioinformatics must take at least 15 credits of the following courses, including at least one course from each of the following four groups. A single course cannot fulfill more than one group requirement. Courses used to satisfy requirements for the student’s major may be used to satisfy group requirements but may not be used towards the 15 credits for the Bioinformatics minor.

Group A: Bio-Computing / Computer Science

MCB 34213602W363754295430MCB 5472/EEB 5372EEB 41004230W53485350CSE 21022300W350035023800 (BME 4800), 3810 (BME 3810), 41024701

Group B: Data Banks / Statistics

STAT 2215Q, 3025Q, 3375Q and 3445 (Note: both courses must be taken to satisfy this group requirement); CSE 4701

Group C: Protein Structure / Biochemistry

MCB 20003010342140095011PNB 6420

Group D: Genetics

MCB 2400 or 24103201341234133602W361736375429EEB 53005348

MCB 3895389939894989EEB 38995895PNB 3299CSE 4095 and 4099 can be counted towards the 15 credit requirement, if approved by a member of the bioinformatics oversight committee.

The minor is offered jointly by the College of Engineering and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. For the Bioinformatics minor, contact Dr. Ion Mandoiu or Dr. J. Peter Gogarten.

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