Information Assurance

The minor is designed to offer a basic understanding of computer security and information assurance to support the increased demand for information security professionals.


Group I.

Required courses (6 credits): OPIM 3777 and a course as approved by the advisor.

Group II.

Three courses from the following (totaling at least 9 credits):

  1. OPIM 3222
  2. ECE 4451
  3. Special Topics courses (if related to information assurance): CSE 4095ECE 4095OPIM 4895
  4. Independent Study courses (if related to information assurance): CSE 4099ECE 4079ECE 4099OPIM 4899
  5. Senior/design/thesis courses (if related to information assurance): CSE 4905CSE 4951ECE 4901ECE 4902OPIM 4997

Students in any major may earn this minor. However, students who are not majors in the School of Business may earn one minor offered by the School of Business. Students who are not majors in the School of Business are restricted to no more than 24 credits of coursework offered by the School of Business. At the most, two OPIM courses taken toward the Information Assurance minor can be counted toward the Business major. OPIM 4895 and OPIM 4899 must be taken for 3 or more credits each if any of those courses are used toward the Information Assurance minor.

The minor is jointly offered by the Department of Operations and Information Management, School of Business and by the departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering. For the Information Assurance minor, contact John ChandySteven Demurjian, or Manuel Nunez for more information.

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