

The new coursework is designed in close collaboration with industry partners to ensure the content is up-to-date and relevant for modern manufacturing needs.

Do you want to build parts for jet engines? To explore lean manufacturing concepts? To apply advanced technologies such as 5-axis machining, additive manufacturing and non-contact inspection?

If so, UConn is proud to present a new manufacturing minor for our undergraduate students. With an average starting salary of $60,000 and rising demand, manufacturing can provide you with a solid foundation for your future.

Eight out of ten manufacturers are concerned with meeting their workforce needs within the next five years. A new National Network for Manufacturing Innovation is investing billions of federal dollars in spurring manufacturing job creation. This is a high tech, cutting edge discipline on the rise, and it will need smart, capable engineers to fill that demand.

Manufacturing engineers work in exciting, diverse fields such as the aerospace, automotive and healthcare industries with specializations such as coating, welding, forging and machining. With a strong background in Six Sigma methodology and an exploration of manufacturing efficiency and reliability, this minor will prepare you for modern manufacturing techniques and philosophies.

The minor is a natural complement to a mechanical engineering or a material and science engineering major; besides the core manufacturing courses, many of the necessary courses for the minor fit within
those majors.

This minor exposes engineering students to the fundamentals and applications of manufacturing. This minor is not allowed for Management and Engineering for Manufacturing (MEM) engineering students. This minor includes design and fabrication techniques, including evaluating the impact on the human and environmental factors, process, and profit associated with the steps from design through production. Actual case studies will help reinforce the concepts. The two core classes are ENGR 2215 and 3215. The minor relies on the two core manufacturing courses and an elective as well as a manufacturing-focused senior design from the student’s home department. This elective can also be counted as an elective in their home department. The minor requires the completion of 15 credits including as follows:

  • Application for the minor two semesters before graduation;
  • An approved Plan of Study one semester before graduation;
  • Group I (Required Courses): ENGR 2215 and 3215;
  • Group II: Nine or more credits selected from the list of Manufacturing minor electives from any engineering department, which may include Senior Capstone from the student’s home department related to a manufacturing problem, subject to approval by Minor advisor. Group II courses can simultaneously be used towards the student’s major requirements.
  • Manufacturing minor electives MEM 32214225ME 32173221322232253295 (when taught as Principles of Machining and Machine Tools); MSE 21012102300440044040.

Group I Course Overview:

ENGR 2215
3 credits

Principles of Manufacturing Engineering

This course is an introduction to engineering aspects of modern manufacturing processes and systems with a focus on creating products on a commercial scale through conversion of material into components and components into products. The students will also benefit from a number of case studies related to these processes. Topics include: casting, forming & shaping, cutting and machining, joining, surface engineering, optical materials engineering, additive manufacturing, computer-integrated manufacturing, automation, and special manufacturing processes, such as chemical and biological systems.

ENGR 3215
3 credits

Statistical Quality Control and Reliability for Manufacturing

This course will cover the foundation of quality control and reliability in manufacturing systems. Topics covered includes: Introduction to probability and statistics; Principle and methods of modern quality control in manufacturing; Six Sigma; Control charts for measurement and attribute data; Development and utilization of control charts; Manufacturing process capability studies; ANOVA and linear regression of measurement data; Experimental design; Response surface and Taguchi methodology; Acceptance  sampling; Reliability prediction and modelling in manufacturing systems. Prereq: MATH 2110, Junior Standing

Contact your advisor to learn more about this minor.

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