
This minor exposes non-Materials Science and Engineering students to the fundamentals and applications of nanoscale materials. This includes synthesis and characterization techniques, nano-device fabrication methods, testing and applications, and underlying Materials Science and Engineering, physics and chemistry principles. Content in this fast developing area is frequently based on recent progress and reports documentation in the nanoscience and nanotechnology disciplines, and is extensively interdisciplinary.

The minor requires the completion of 15 credits including as follows:

  • Application for the Nanomaterials Minor two semesters before graduation
  • An approved Plan of Study one semester before graduation
  • Group I (Required Courses): MSE 2001 (or 2101) and 2002 (or 2102)
  • Group II: 9 credits selected from the following courses: MSE 400142404241ENGR 3195 and/or MSE 4095 (if related to nanomaterials, subject to approval by Minor advisor)

Note: Group II courses cannot be simultaneously used towards multiple minors, e.g. the Materials Science and Engineering Minor and the Nanomaterials Minor.

This minor is offered by the Materials Science and Engineering Department. For more information, contact the MSE Office by email or by phone at 860-486-4620.

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